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Sunday, January 14, 2007


Have you failed at something OVER and OVER, just to find out the solution to your problem ended up being so SIMPLE you felt like an IDIOT!!!

Well, if your like me and you've tried everything since SLICED BREAD to take off that extra weight, this article will give you something to think about.

For just a minute, forget about LOW Calorie, LOW Fat, LOW Carbs and even Jenny Craig Etc....

I tried all those and even Exercise too!!! Only to lose a little and GAIN it back and then some.

Did you know that FOOD is more powerful than any prescription weight loss pill, because the food that you eat can make you THIN or FAT. You don't get fat because of a lack of exercising, that's a myth. You get fat because you don't eat the right kind of foods at the right intervals each day.

Also, the pattern that you choose to eat your meals each day is more powerful than any prescription weight loss pill. This is true because your body is like an "engine" and it only needs certain foods at certain intervals each day, and if you don't eat the right foods at the right times then it won't burn those calories -- and you'll wind up storing those calories as fat tissue. You need to eat more than 3 times per day(not eat once and starve yourself the rest of the day).
It turns out, I got fat by eating the wrong foods, that's true!!! And Guess What? I got SLIM by eating thr RIGHT foods at the RIGHT times!!!

The bottom line is, all you've been trying to accomplish is to lose some weight, not build a super computer! It's not that omplicated!

It turns out it's JUST THAT SIMPLE!!! The way to losing weight has NOTHING to do with STARVING YOURSELF or JOGGING!!!

Want to look in the mirror and be happy with what you see? Want your life to stop revolving around your overweight condition? If you tired of Pills, Exercise and Starvation Methods, EASY WEIGHT LOSS TIPS!

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